24 Day Challenge Results

I did not set my goals too high when I started the 24 Day Challenge.  I was just getting over the flu, had zero energy, and figured any loss is better than nothing.  Yesterday was the last day so this morning I did all the final measurements and I am SHOCKED!

I was really hoping to be out of the 190's by the end of the challenge and sadly it looks like I've gained instead of lost.  I am really hoping its just water weight or muscle.  Obviously that's not the number I'm most excited about.

I've lost 8 inches!!!!

I can't believe it!  Truth be told this was just taking the products.  Sadly I only worked out once but man can you imagine if I had worked out more?!

One thing I've been very consistent on is tracking my food and drinking my water.  I'm pretty much at a gallon of water a day and what's crazy is some days I feel like more!  I actually crave it now.  MyFitnessPal has become a daily ritual and even though I haven't tracked much these last few days I do plan on continuing until I lose more weight.  It's so eye-opening to see just how many calories are in that Oreo.  Sure it doesn't stop me from eating that Oreo but I'll have two or three instead of eight or nine unless its just one of those days.  I know y'all feel me...

I haven't had a chance to take an after picture so here's a "before" and "mid" picture.  The "mid" picture I took two weeks ago.  Forgive the hair/towel and the phone face.  I was getting ready for work and decided I needed some photos to see my progress thus the wet hair and towel and I figured my phone was better than looking at a makeup-less Christi. Haha!!

So what's next?  Begging my husband to let me continue on the product! LOL  My in-laws are the ones that purchased the 24 Day Challenge for me and now I'm hooked!

The products are really not that expensive when you compare it to other high quality supplements but when you have a limited budget everything is expensive so he promised me we would talk about it this weekend when we can sit down and crunch the numbers.  Deal.

I am just going to continue doing what I'm doing, pray about it, put it in the Lord's hands, and do a happy dance that I started 2016 STRONG and 8 inches lighter!!

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