My First Appointment & 3-Day Detox

 My first appointment went so much better than I expected!  I was so nervous that I actually brought the boys with me for support.  Thank goodness they are in virtual learning, so they did their last class in the car while Mom had her first appointment.  

Please excuse the unedited video, but I wanted to capture my thoughts before I truly begin this journey, and I've got enough on my plate than to try an edit a video.  I am a newbie at the whole editing, so I'm sure my videos are going to be cringy at the beginning. Please be patient with me, and if anyone has any video editing tips for me I'd love to hear them!

I was so nervous and it didn't hit me why until I was actually in my appointment.  It's not the weight loss itself, it's the emotions behind it.  There is so much more than weight that I am carrying around, and I've been so consumed with other things that this realization is just now dawning on me.

Lab Results
All the lab work came back perfect, with the exception of my blood sugar.  It was 101, which isn't too horribly high, but it's still something to keep an eye on.  My doctor thinks because my diet has been so high in processed sugar that it could be what's causing it to elevate, but one good thing about having a diabetic child is constantly having the supplies to check if need be.  She's not too concerned, since I am starting a new eating regimen, so I am not going to be concerned either.

The Plan
For the first month I will be going back to the doctor weekly to see how I am doing on my plan.  We are starting the first three days with a detox, which I figured we most likely would, but it's totally doable.  I will be taking a new supplement, and after my detox will add a weight loss prescription.  This is just to kickstart my weight loss and will not be something I continue on long term.  This truly is to give me a strong start, while helping me with my eating habits, which is my number one focus.

For the detox, I am pretty much following a strict keto diet, with just meats, green vegetables, and a ton of water.  I can have unlimited meat, which is great, though I am not a big meat eater, but L has been grilling a lot more since we moved into the house, and is more than happy to help me out.  I love salads, so getting in all those green vegetables shouldn't be a problem.  My only issue is I can't eat meat "dry" and the only dressings I'm allowed to have is low calorie (just for the detox).  I HATE low calorie anything.  I swear I can taste the "fake" and it grosses me out!

Once my detox is finished, I will start my actual plan on Saturday, along with my new medication.  My doctor has went over everything I am taking and feels confident in the medication that she chose for me, but wanted to play it safe and have me start on a Saturday, just to be on the safe side.  I cannot wait to get started!!  

I am a little nervous, especially since my sugar cravings are close to that of someone being addicted to cocaine, but I am praying throughout this whole process, and letting the Lord, and you guys, be my strength.  The support I've received just in these past 24 hours has been amazing. I am truly blessed.

I also have to track all my food on MyFitnessPal so my doctor can see my eating habits, so if you're on the app friend me! I could use the support on there as well.  My username is CherryPie0420.

Weight Tracking
For the first week I have to weigh myself first thing in the morning, after I pee, completely naked, and take a photo of the scale.  I used to weigh myself daily when I lost the weight the first time, so no problem.  I also took my before photos, and didn't think to wear anything cute, so I'm sure it looks bad.  My doctor doesn't want to show me until I hit my goal weight so that I can see how far I've come.

My hashtag for this journey began with #140x40, as in I want to be 140lbs by my 40th birthday (May 2021), but my doctor feels this will be too slim for me, so my official goal is 150lbs, which is how much I weighed when I married L in 2013.❤️
My 32nd birthday 2013
  Follow Up

   I go back to the doctor next Wednesday to do my weekly weigh in,  look at my food journal, and talk about how I am feeling on my new medication.  I couldn't be more excited.

This time truly does feel different.  Having a doctor that is supporting me through the whole process, how focused I've felt about finally losing the weight, feeling the hope that I feel deep inside.  For the first time in a very long time I actually feel happy.  I feel content.  I truly believe that I am right where I need to be at the right time, and it feels awesome.

I will be posting the next few days about my detox, since I know I am going to need an outlet.  My biggest feat is the sugar cravings and the fact that my doctor said I will most likely be tired and feel off for the first few days as my body adjusts.  I hope my body adjusts quickly!

My game plan is to keep myself as busy as possible.  The boys are in virtual learning, so that helps keep me busy for a large part of the day, plus my book review book stack is insane, so I'm sure I will get lost in a few books, and the time will zoom by!  The number one thing is listening to my body and following my doctor's instructions.  That and water...lots and lots of water...

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