Detox: Day 1

I woke up easily this morning, despite only getting a few hours of sleep.  I cannot stop tossing, turning, and getting the worst hot flashes.  I took myself off my hormone medication, and I know that's a big part of it.  

Note to self: get into a gynocologist asap sista! 

When I did my official weigh in at the doctor's office on Monday I was 237.8, so I was a little surprised to see this number on the scale.

I did something bad that I didn't want to admit to, but I know I need to.  The whole point of this journey is honesty after all.  After my appointment me and the boys at a local hibachi buffet and pigged out.  I figured it was a "last meal" of sorts, and man did it make the food taste that much better!

Last night L made his famous chili, so that was my real "last meal" and good gosh was it amazing.  You would think me wanting to lose weight I would start with that mindset out the gate, but you'd be wrong!  I am proud to say that I did not grab the Chip's Ahoy! Reese's Pieces cookies I've been hooked on lately after dinner, so I call that a win.

Needless to say, I was expecting a larger number on the scale this morning, and am pleasantly surprised.

Late last night Dash and me ran to the store and I grabbed what I could.  I hate going to the grocery store, and procrastinated as long as I could, but I wish I wouldn't have.  The store was completely picked over, so I didn't have as many options as I would've liked.


My doctor did approve me to make homemade salsa for my morning eggs, so I used my mother-in-law's recipe (for the first time I might add!) and made salsa in my Vitamix. 

Scrambled Eggs, Ground Beef, & Homemade Salsa

L had left me some ground beef from the chili, so I mixed that with two eggs, and good gosh y'all...I think this is going to become a favorite breakfast!  I could've had three more platefuls, but #portionsizes 

I am also SOOO thankful I do not have to quit my coffee!  Honestly that's what gets me through my mornings, and that could've been a dealbreaker for me.  


I do have to drink it black, but that I can deal with.  I've slowly been weening myself off creamer and sugar for awhile.  It started with lessening the sugar until I stopped using it altogether, and I had been doing the same for the creamer too, so I'm good.

I pretty much stayed on the couch for most of the day, feeling insanely nauseated, and utterly exhausted.  Breakfast didn't fill me up at all, so I had a snack about an hour after the eggs.

Snack #1

Mixed Veggies with Skinny Girl Dressing
I chopped up some veggies, drizzled some Skinny Girl Buttermilk Ranch on top of the broccoli, and sprinkled with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper seasoning.  While at the store I couldn't decide on what low-carb dressing to try out, so I grabbed two different Skinny Girl dressings, since I've heard good things about this brand.  My first one to try was the Skinny Girl Buttermilk Ranch dressing.


You can ask the boys, I was gagging the entire time I was trying to eat the broccoli.  I am a Hidden Valley ranch girl all the way, so this imposter was sacrilege!  The bottle immediately got dumped down the drain, and the beautiful glass bottle was recycled.  Sad, but there's no way me, or anyone in the family, would eat that nastiness (and yes I did have everyone sample first).  One bottle down, two to go...

My bleh snack held me over for a bit, but by the time lunch time hit, I was ready for some meat!  I made a spinach salad, with green onions, green bell pepper, cucumber, and topped it with the rest of my ground beef.  L seasoned
Spinach Salad Topped with Seasoned Ground Beef

this ground beef with just black pepper and Julio's seasoning, and it was delicious!!

I drizzled my next Skinny Girl dressing to taste test: Skinny Girl Balsamic Vinaigrette...and we have a winner!  I honestly don't think there is a way you can screw up a vinaigrette, and thank goodness this was a much better eating experience than that awful ranch!

I devoured my salad, and know now that seasoned ground beef is one of my new best friends.

Snack #2
To reduce headache withdrawals as much as possible, my doctor recommended having 2-3 Cuties to help combat the withdrawal symptoms, so that was my second snack of the day.  I've been battling migraines for weeks, so I am used to dealing with the pain, but for a few hours I could hardly move it hurt so bad.  Thankfully the Cuties did help take the edge off, but sadly that is the only "sweet" I am allowed during my detox.

When L came home he cooked the chicken that I bought at the store last night.  L is the one that does the grocery shopping so when I went to grab chicken breasts I wasn't too sure which kind to buy.  Apparently I picked up the
Thin Sliced Grilled Chicken with Spinach Salad

"thin sliced" chicken breast, which apparently was a challenge for my man to grill (he couldn't get the meat thermometer in them they're so slim), but he did another masterful job.  They turned out amazing!!

I ate my grilled chicken with another spinach salad, topped with the Skinny Girl Balsamic Vinaigrette and a green onion.  It was simple, yet satisfying.

Normally after a meal, especially dinner, is when I crave sweets the most, and tonight was no exception.  I put my nose in a book, and tried my hardest to will those thoughts away.  I reminded myself of what I am working for, and that no food tastes as good as feeling good about myself.  It was a tough battle but I overcame.  

One thought that really helped is that I will be able to have coffee in a few short hours.  I know that sounds stupid, but hey, it helped!  Well, that and writing about my day.  I've heard of people "writing their way skinny" and I just might start adopting that same mindset.   I will replace my cravings with words.  I do like the sound of that. :)

So, day #1 of my detox is in the books!  I am very proud that I didn't cave, or sneak any food.  I have my eye on the prize!  On to day #2!

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